In a stunning reversal, the President’s Proposed 2017 Budget seeks to amend the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act to allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to turn over captured wild horses to state agencies and strip these animals of the legal status that currently protects them from slaughter. If approved by Congress, the amendment would allow the BLM to place unlimited numbers of wild horses directly into the hands of state and local governments that have vocally lobbied for mass removals and slaughter of these iconic animals. The proposed appropriations language also calls for sterilization of wild horses and burros in the wild. This is a grave threat to our remaining wild horse and burro herds. If ever there was a time to show united and strong opposition to the BLM’s anti-wild horse and burro policies, this is it! Please take action below and share widely. Thank you!
The BLM is accepting public comments on the expansion of the Bald Mountain Gold Mine in White Pine County, Nevada. The plan will impact wild horses living in the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Triple B Herd Management Area by permanently removing 1,210 acres of already scarce vegetation for wild horses, temporarily removing 6,879 acres of additional currently available forage, causing a reduction of available water for wild horses, increasing the size of the area negatively impacted by human activity and noise, and posing a risk to wild horse safety and health through either physical injury or exposure to mercury and cyanide contamination. Mining operations are huge consumers of water resources, and the BLM should not be permitting expansion of mining activities in drought-stricken Nevada habitat for wild horses and burros.
The North Carolina State Horse urgently needs your help. The Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act, H.R.152 /S.1204, was recently introduced in the House and the Senate and would provide for the responsible management of the Corolla wild horse population on North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
Because these historic mustangs currently lack legal protection, this bill is absolutely critical to the long term survival of the free-roaming wild horses, who have lived in this area for more than 500 years!
The bill mandates that the population be managed at 120 to 130, and never less than 110, which is the absolute minimum number required to maintain genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding. The United States Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS), which manages 3,000 of the 7,544 total acres accessible to the horses, has historically maintained that herd size should be limited to no more than 60 animals. The results of recent genetic testing show that there is an alarming level of inbreeding with the presence of only one maternal genetic line in the population. Managing the Corolla herd at a level of 60 animals is managing the herd for genetic collapse and eventual extinction. (Recently the FWS relaxed its stand somewhat by agreeing to allow the introduction of outside horses from other areas of the Outer Banks into the Corolla population to improve genetic diversity, but the allowable population level for these horses must still be increased.)
We are asking for your help to save the wild horses of Corolla from disappearing from the land they have inhabited for centuries.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet on April 22-23, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Columbus, Ohio.
If you can attend this meeting, click here for details. The public comment period will take place April 22 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you can’t attend, please take a moment to tell this citizen advisory board to support humane, on-the-range management that Keeps Wild Horses and Burros Wild, and to oppose the BLM’s plans to implement dangerous and draconian “population growth suppression” measures, such as the surgical sterilization of mares.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Salt Lake City, Utah Field Office is seeking public comment on an Environmental Assessment (EA) that analyzes the continued use of PZP fertility control on the Onaqui Mountain wild horses.
The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC) advocates for more effective use of PZP on the Onaqui wild horses as an alternative to the roundup and removal of these beloved mustangs. The long-range goal is to achieve a balance between natural mortality and reproduction rates in order to eliminate the need for removals, so that every wild horse born in the Onaqui Mountains can live free and die wild in their homes on the range.
Wyoming has only 2,500 wild horses left, and they are under attack…from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the State of Wyoming and powerful ranching interests seeking to wipe out wild horses to increase taxpayer-subsidized livestock grazing on our public lands. Right now, we have an opportunity to speak up for them.
With the Bureau of Land Management’s holding space and budget maxed out, 2014 is a dangerous time for America’s wild horses.
Help us deliver the protection wild horses need right now by asking your representatives in Washington to sign the “Keep Wild Horses Wild Pledge.”
By signing the pledge, members of Congress agree to oppose all efforts to slaughter federally-protected wild horses and support the important reforms suggested in the National Academy of Sciences report on the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program.
By building support for our cause in Congress, we’ll keep the BLM and its allies on the defensive and raise the pressure on them to embrace long overdue reforms to Keep Wild Horses Wild.
The timing could not be more critical, as the rancher allies of the BLM are making their moves to open the gates of the BLM’s long-term holding facilities — where 50,000 wild horses are stockpiled – to slaughter kill buyers.
It’s time to comment on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon’s plan for sage grouse conservation. The sage grouse is a seriously threatened ground-dwelling bird that depends on the West’s vast sagebrush habitat to survive. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recommended that sage grouse be officially added to the U.S. Endangered Species List. But the BLM, knowing that the listing of the sage grouse could spell the end of livestock grazing on public lands, is trying to avert this action by introducing its own sage grouse conservation plan.
The BLM’s plan for Oregon affects 10.2 million acres of land, including 17 wild horse Herd Management Areas (HMAs) and 24 Herd Areas (HAs). Among those affected would be the famed wild horses of the South Steens HMA, pictured above, and the Sulphur Spring herd, which has pure Spanish bloodlines.
Although wild horse habitat comprises less than a quarter of sage grouse habitat, many of the alternatives under consideration set the stage for a reduction in allowable population levels and acreage for wild horses. Predictably, although livestock grazing occurs in 95% of sage grouse habitat in Oregon, the BLM’s preferred alternative would reduce livestock grazing acreage and levels by just 1%, even though livestock outnumber wild horses in the planning area by at least 30 to 1!
Please do not let the BLM and their rancher constituencies get away with using the sage grouse as an excuse to further destroy the remaining wild horse and burro populations in Oregon. Get your comments in today!