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America’s most famous wild horses are under attack in Utah

The Onaqui wild horses near Salt Lake City, Utah, are among the most famous and widely-photographed wild horses in the world. These horses have been protected for 48 years, but now the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning a brutal roundup and removal of nearly 80% of these horses. Our nation would lose a priceless natural wonder, and these horses would lose their freedom and family bands forever.

We have to stop this:

  • Utah would lose an important ecotourism resource. Several of these horses have become so well-known, they’ve been given names – like the beloved “Old Man”, a 28-year-old stallion enjoying his elder years with the herd.
  • The roundups are devastating and cruel — using helicopters to run horses and sometimes even foals (babies) for miles until they’re exhausted. Many break limbs, crash into fences, and die of exhaustion.
  • Taxpayers shouldn’t spend millions on this unnecessary abuse. Proven, humane, and cost-effective management solutions already exist. In fact, the American Wild Horse Campaign has offered to work with the BLM to create and fund a proven fertility control program.

Tell the BLM to stop the roundup and removal of the Onaqui horses. We want them protected and preserved on our public lands now and for generations to come.

Click here to sign the petition!