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Future is looking better for America’s Wild Horses

The Trump Administration officially dropped the nomination of William Perry Pendley as director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

This news comes just weeks after AWHC launched efforts to REJECT Pendley’s nomination. We want to thank everyone who signed petitions, donated to ads, and put pressure on leadership to do the right thing. Your actions helped remove a direct threat to wild horses and burros across the country and is further proof that together, we can bring about great change.

As acting BLM director, Pendley notoriously called America’s beloved wild horses an “existential threat to the public lands,” despite the fact they are not present on 88 percent of the lands his agency manages. Thankfully, Pendley will no longer be able to use wild horses as the scapegoats to prop up his friends in Big Ag and Big Oil.

AWHC applauds the decision by the Trump Administration to withdraw the Pendley nomination and put the lives of our beautiful wild horses above profit:

American Wild Horse Campaign is extremely grateful to all the wild horse defenders who took action by signing their petition and donating to digital advocacy ads. Your voices amplified the chorus of opposition to Pendley’s nomination.

Victories like this are incredibly important for forward momentum on wild horse protections, and all signs are pointing to more wins to come. In order to build on this success, we need to keep the pressure up.