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Hippy Horses

Wild Mustang Stallion known as SantanaThere is no greater symbol of freedom than a horse, in particular, a wild one. Wild horses are the gypsies of the land, roaming without restraint. During my research on these beautiful, magical and powerful creatures, I came across this fantastic quote by Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (Democrat): “The image of hundreds of wild horses roaming free in the open terrain in the American West is reminiscent of times past and our country’s trailblazing heritage.”

Today, however, many of these wild horses are running in fear — in fear of the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which continues to round up and relocate them. The BLM’s reason is that the nation’s wild horse population is expanding so much that theses Mustangs must be relocated in order to prevent the exhaustion of land resources. These senseless round-ups have caused many Mustang deaths, and wild horse advocates continue to fight to stop them.

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