Horse Sanctuaries provide safe and caring homes for horses that have been abused, abandoned, about to be destroyed, or owners can no longer care for them. These organizations provide a natural and stimulating environment for Mustangs to relearn their freedom and independence, while others care for and prepare domestic horses and some Mustangs for adoption to a new loving and caring home.

Rather than allow horses to go to slaughter or be destroyed, these organizations provide rescue, rehabilitation, adoption and retirement for horses from many different situations of abuse and neglect. If a horse cannot be rehabilitated for adoption due to illness, old age, injury or social behavior, they are retired to live out the rest of their days in a happy and healthy environment.

Most sanctuaries are non-profit and are tax-exempt, and are solely supported by contributions from individuals.

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Fleet of Angels

Address 3226 S. Newcombe St. No. 101 Lakewood Colorado 80227 Phone: 970-799-1000 Website:


Fleet of Angels has been called “the most responsive national go-to organization in the country” for helping horse owners and small rescues when they need urgent assistance after being devastated by a natural disaster or other major emergency.

We urgently need your help with the challenge of keeping horses safe and in good care through the seemingly unending crises currently affecting horses in the United States and beyond. Never before in our history have we been asked to help so many horse owners and small rescues overcome challenges that threaten the wellbeing of equines in their care. Horses suffer if we aren’t able to step up, and we hope that you will join us in our goal of never having to turn our backs on equines in crisis due to a lack of funds.

From devastating wildfires still raging in the west to catastrophic hurricanes in the south and east, and with both draught and flooding wrecking havoc in between, disasters are putting incredible numbers of horses and their equine relatives in very perilous situations.

Our goal is to keep horses safe and in good care so they can stay with their loving families and equine friends, giving their owners more time to regroup, repair, and start to recover from devastating situations. By providing a combination of grants and services, Fleet of Angels provides qualified applicants’ horses with what they need to stay safe and healthy during temporary challenges.

No other equine-centric nonprofit in the country laser-focuses its resources on the mission of providing grants and critical services to both private owners and small rescues to help horses through crises.