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Amazing Grace Equine Rescue

Address PO Box 465 Middleboro Massachusetts 02346 Phone: 508-287-4077 Website:


Amazing Grace Equine is organized to provide assistance to horses deemed be valueless or whose sole value may be calculated “by the pound.”
To provide these horses with an option other than shipment to an auction over international borders to a slaughterhouse.
To offer these horses another assessment as companion animals if it’s reasonable and kind to do so and to provide supportive foster homes until appropriate permanent homes may be found.

If it is deemed unsuitable or inhumane to maintain the horse until the end of its natural life, then to humanely euthanize the horse in a calm environment eliciting no trepidation or fear.

Amazing Grace Equine will educate breeders and owners of the ultimate cost of overbreeding and the results of “unwanted” horses.

Amazing Grace Equine will elicit moral and ethical responsibility for the lifetime of horses from equestrians worldwide.

Amazing Grace Equine will be a voice for horses in our community, state, and nation.