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Stop Mass Killing of Captured Mustangs

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) just dropped plans to conduct “barbaric” sterilization experiments on wild mares in Oregon in response to a lawsuit by The Cloud Foundation and the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign. But now it’s planning something even worse.

On September 9, the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board passed an “emergency” resolution calling for the BLM to “euthanize” captured wild horses in holding facilities.

That’s right, this “citizen” advisory board wants the BLM to kill up to 45,000 innocent wild horses and burros! And the BLM will be only happy to comply….if it can convince Congress to lift the current ban on destroying healthy horses.

This is literally a fight for the lives of tens of thousands of wild horses and burros. We cannot let this happen.

The move to kill captured wild horses is the culmination of the BLM’s deliberate creation of a crisis — both on the range and off the range — by refusing to use the proven PZP fertility control to humanely manage wild horse populations, and by failing to adequately reduce livestock grazing throughout five years of drought in the West.

Now the agency wants these American icons to pay the price for its willful and decades-long mismanagement.

We will not let this happen. We need your help more than ever, because there is a real chance the BLM will convince Congress to allow this killing plan.

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