BLM Targets Over 2,000 Horses in Nevada and Utah

Comments due by Thursday, June 7, 2018 The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comments on an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a roundup and removal of 2,075 “excess” horses from the Eagle Complex over the next 10 years … Read More

Take Action: Stop the Muddy Creek Utah Roundups

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comments on an Environmental Assessment for the roundup and removal of up to 149 “excess” horses from inside and outside the Muddy Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) over the next 10 … Read More

Good News for the Wild Horses & Burros

As published by The Washington Post Among the winners in a $1.3 trillion spending bill congressional leaders agreed to Thursday: wild horses. Negotiators said nay to a House proposal to allow the culling of tens of thousands of horses and … Read More

President’s 2018 Budget Dooms Wild Horses

The BLM contends that the horses on the range exceed the ridiculously low national AML of 26,700 by over 40,000 animals. There are over 40,000 animals in long and short term holding. 80,000 could be killed if we, the American … Read More

Help Nevada Community Protect Pine Nut Wild Horses!

Two small communities in Nevada fighting to protect their wild horses need our help! The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is accepting public comments on its proposed 10-year management plan for the Pine Nut Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA), which … Read More

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